Beat Box

Carlo struggles to tell his partner that he’s not ready to have sex.

For all videos:

  • What did you see in the video?
  • What do you think this video was about?
  • What stood out to you most in this video?

For this video:

  • What made it difficult for Carlo to navigate his way out of sexual pressures?
  • What happened when Carlo communicated his feelings?
  • What will it take to change the pressures that men have to be sexually active?

Materials needed: card stock paper, markers, rulers, paint, paintbrushes, art supplies; and/or ask students to bring in an item from home that could be sold at Hallmark stores (picture frame, mug, blank t-shirt, stuffed animal, etc.)

Step 1.

Tell students to pretend they work as designers for the Hallmark company and their Executive Director is requesting items for a body autonomy campaign in time for Valentine’s Day. Their job is to create at least one item that can be sold at all stores with positive and encouraging messages about either abstinence, masturbation, waiting for the right partner, or the right (to choose) to have sex. Students can choose whichever item they wish to design (greeting card, calendar, picture frame, mug, t-shirt, stationary set, stuffed animal, book, journal, figurine, ornament, plaque, etc.).

Step 2.

Assign a due date and ask the class to help create a “window display” similar to what you’d see at Hallmark during a holiday.

    LAUSD Health Standards

  • HS.1.G.4, HS.2.G.16, HS.5.G.25, HS.6.G.33, HS.7.M.27,
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