Toxic Masculinity Theme 7

We examine gender stereotypes, patriarchy, and other social double standards that negatively impact all genders. Students learn to recognize, call out, and fight against toxic masculinity in an uplifting and supportive space.

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Toxic masculinity and the impact it has on our society is a huge problem. Health teachers can be well-versed on the ways in which gender stereotypes and patriarchy negatively impact other genders, be it through violence, rape, wage gaps, or poor interpersonal communication. But although these realities are incredibly vital to discuss in the classroom, we can sometimes forget how patriarchy also negatively impacts the lives of men and boys themselves. We strongly believe that if we are going to empower young women and other genders, we need to also think about how to uplift and empower our boys to fight against toxic masculinity. We can do that by calling out harmful examples of masculinity, and by finding healthy models to replace them.

Pre-Video Activities Prepare

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Player of the Year Partial Class

Awards are given to men who have done the bare minimum as men in this spoof that demonstrates the low standards our society places in men.

Toxic Spray Full Class

In this satirical ad, “toxic masculinity spray” is sold to “help” young men in their relationships.

To My Magnificent Son Multi-Class

A woman talks to her young son about some of things she hopes for him to know about masculinity, respect, sexuality, pleasure, and other related topics.

Statistics Resources

Reference these key facts as needed to support discussions throughout this lesson.

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