Toxic Spray

In this satirical ad, “toxic masculinity spray” is sold to “help” young men in their relationships.

For all videos:

  • What did you see in the video?
  • What do you think this video was about?
  • What stood out to you the most in this video?

For this video:

  • Do any of the behaviors you saw in the video resonate with you? Which one?
  • Have you seen people act like the guy in the video? What do you think when people act that way?

Materials needed: flip chart paper, markers, rulers

Step 1.
Ask for two student volunteers who will act as scribes for the class.

Step 2.
On a large flip chart paper or on a whiteboard, ask one of your scribes to write the heading: Typical behaviors/beliefs of toxic masculinity. 

Step 3.
Ask the class to come up with examples for the poster and guide them through a safe dialogue as the recorders write down the students’ responses (you may use the articles in the Pre-Video Activities section to help guide the discussion). Make sure to welcome comments from any gender student about any gender they choose to talk about. Encourage topics related to gender roles, dating, relationships, sex, jobs, domestic duties, hobbies, fashion, hygiene, etc.

Step 4.
After many responses, engage the class in a dialogue:

  • Will you try to do anything differently?
  • Was anyone surprised to hear any of the responses?
  • Is there a dislike you heard that you do?
  • Did this activity make you think differently about your own behaviors?

Materials needed: variety of accessories such as hats, glasses, books, sweaters, backpack, etc.

Step 1.
Divide students into groups of four.

Step 2.
Give them locations/scenarios where male toxicity can be seen and ask groups to create a skit that acts out what toxic masculinity looks like in everyday situations (library, lunch line, bus stop, crossing the street, store, club, walking in to a classroom to drop something off, PE, working out in the neighborhood). The students may use one of the following story modes to create their skit: a live action news report, a nature documentary, a sports broadcast, a reality TV show confessional, etc.

Step 3.
Give them a chance to rehearse then ask the different groups to take turns performing their skit in front of the class.

Step 4.
After each skit, ask students for their opinions/reactions to each skit:

  • How much of it was true?
  • How could it have been more realistic?
  • When was the last time you witnessed a similar incident?
  • Have you ever been a victim/perpetrator of any of these scenarios?
  • Did this activity make you think about your behavior and anything you may want to change?