Intimacy Exchange

David is interested in building intimacy in his romantic relationship and gets assistance from a variety of store employees.

For all videos:

  • What did you see in the video?
  • What do you think this video was about?
  • What stood out to you the most in this video?

For this video:

  • Does it help to talk to others about relationships? Why or why not?
  • Who/what do you turn to when it comes to getting advice about relationships?
  • What does the media tell us about intimacy? How much of it is realistic/attainable?
  • How do you build intimacy in your relationships? (Think friendships, parents, dating partners, teachers, coaches, teammates, etc.)

Step 1.
Divide the class into pairs.

Step 2.
Each partner pair will discuss communication within relationships. Have each partner write down three answers to these prompts:

It’s hard to communicate with my parents/friends/romantic partner(s) about __, because __

(Example answer: “It’s hard to communicate with my parents about sex because they are religious and don’t believe in sex before marriage.”)

Then have partners share their answers with each other.

Step 3.
Once each individual has gotten a chance to share their answers to the prompts with their partner, tell the class that each partner will now choose one of the answers from the shared responses to create a two-person scene.

Step 4.
Have each partner pair work as a team to create one to two minute skits that model healthy/unhealthy communication (using example answer: The pair can now create a skit about a person trying to communicate with a religious parent about sex.)

Have the pairs choose whom each partner will play in the scene (using example: one person will be the student, one person will play the parent of the student).

If students are feeling stuck writing the scene dialogue, have them refer to the resources provided in the Pre-Video Prep on healthy communication to spark their ideas about what healthy or unhealthy communication could look like between the two characters in the scene.

Step 5.
Once each group has had a chance to write and rehearse their scenes, let the groups volunteer to share their skits with the class.

Step 6.
Lead a group discussion after each of the scenes:

  • What did you see in this skit?
  • Was this an example of healthy or unhealthy communication?
  • What about it was healthy? Be specific.
  • If it was unhealthy, what could the protagonist have said or done differently to make it healthy communication? Be specific.

Materials needed: paper, pen, copies of chart worksheet for each student or have them create their own chart

Step 1.
Have students get into groups of two. Tell them to pretend that they are the hottest interior designers in town and they just got hired to come up with ways to upgrade the gender-neutral bathrooms on campus. They must design:

Tell students that in order to be a good intimate partner, it helps to ask your partner what they like/don’t like, observe what other people do in their relationships, and ask your friends/loved ones what they’ve experienced. Getting a bit of info from all perspectives will increase their creativity and ideas to create intimacy with their own current or future partner.

Step 2.
Instruct students that they must go home and interview four to five different people of different age groups (someone who is 20-30 years old; 31-40; 41-50; 51-60; 61-70) who have had a romantic partner. They must ask each person the following questions and write all their responses neatly in a chart format:

  • What was something intimate you liked that your partner expressed to you?
  • What is something intimate YOU expressed to your partner that they liked?
  • What is something intimate that you still wish you could experience/do for your partner?

Step 3.
On their chart, have them answer these questions after they’ve interviewed their five people:

  • From the people you interviewed, which person’s experience surprised you the most?
  • Which person’s experience would you want to mimic?
  • Which person’s experience would you NOT want to mimic?
  • From the people you interviewed, who was the most comfortable in sharing their responses? Who was the most uncomfortable? Why do you think?
  • Did you like this assignment? Why or why not?

Step 4.
When all students return the next day, ask them to volunteer some of their interview responses.