Recruiting Arts-Activist Interns

UCLA Glorya Kaufman Hall 120 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

We are currently recruiting interns for Spring Quarter. Academic credit (2 units), work-study and volunteer positions available.

Salon: A Performative Reading by Ann Cooper Albright

UCLA Glorya Kaufman Hall, Room 200 120 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA

Ann Cooper Albright is professor at the Department of Dance at Oberlin College. "Simone Forti: improvising a life" is her latest book.


Seminar: The Wildfires of Los Angeles

UCLA Glorya Kaufman Hall 120 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Taught by Prof. David Gere, this 3-hour weekly seminar is centered on an arts-activist response to the wildfires of Los Angeles by South African photographer Gideon Mendel.