The Research Project

Dylan and Karni explore the benefits of self-love and how it can lead them to happier and healthier decisions.

For all videos:

  • What did you see in the video?
  • What do you think this video was about?
  • What stood out to you the most in this video?

For this video:

  • Why do you think self-exploration is such a controversial topic?
  • Is there a double standard for boys and girls when it comes to the way people talk about self-exploration?

Materials needed: print and cut enough word cards per class from the following document:

Step 1.
Before students enter class, scatter the word cards in a location where they are easily accessible like student desks, pinned on a wall or taped to the front board.

Step 2.
Explain to students that they will write a short poem to their body. They will walk around the room and choose enough of the word cards so that they can create their short poem. Prompt your students’ creation process with this question: “What would a poem to your body look like?” Show them a poem that you have made up using the word cards.

Step 3.
When everyone has finished making their poems, have the students take turns reading their poems to the class. They can either go to the front of the room or stand by their seat to share. Ask each presenter things like:

  • Why did you choose to make that poem?
  • What was the motivation behind the message you’re trying to convey?
  • Is there a word(s) that you wish was available to choose? If yes, which one(s)?

Step 4.
Make sure that the class respects the presenter at all times, and are sure to applaud every presenter.

Step 5.
After everyone has shared their poem, ask the class questions like:

  • What was it like to make those poems and share them?
  • What were your favorite parts of other people’s poems? Why?
  • Why might we be talking about self-exploration and safe(r) sex in the same lesson?
  • How can self-love contribute to a healthy lifestyle alongside abstinence? Alongside sexual activity?
  • Would you change anything in the video we saw? Or the exercise we participated in?

Step 6.
Decide if you will post student poems on the wall or ask them to return their cards to the pool of cards for the next class. Posting their poems on the wall would be a great idea, especially if you ask them to include a same-size card at the beginning or end of their poem to write their name and motivation behind their created poem.